XR/XF:  Extended Realities, Extended Feminisms
~~Workshops ~~  

Workshop 1

Building Cyberfeminist Artifacts for XR
With Anil Camci & Yvette Granata

March 23, 11-4pm
North Quad Building
Room 2275
105 S. State Street
University of Michigan

RSVP required (Limited Seats):

In this workshop, we will explore various tools and technologies to craft extended reality (XR) artifacts that are representative of cyberfeminist themes. We will leverage a technique called constructive solid geometry to model our artifacts in TinkerCad, which is a web-based computer-aided design tool. We will then explore the use of a game engine, namely Unity, to bring these models into a virtual environment. We will port this environment to AR and VR platforms and view our designs in XR. We will also explore the workflow for giving physical form to our designs through 3D printing.


Workshop 2

fætures worldbuilding workshop
With Alina Nazmeeva & John David Wagner

March 30, 1-4pm
Liberty Research Annex
305 W. Liberty Road
Ann Arbor, MI

RSVP required (Limited Seats):

In this workshop, we will play a worldbuilding game fætures. Playing this tabletop card game, you are invited to creatively envision speculative worlds through modes of collective brainstorming and individual imagination. The game enables you to work independently but never in isolation from your team, and everyone at the table has the same power to shape the world. You may envision a utopia or confront it with devastation. As your world comes into being, your initial straightforward conceptualization will transform into a nuanced, intricate, forking tapestry marked by negotiations, tensions, and unforeseen combinations. You are encouraged to think, design, and world-build outside of the box and go off the beaten path. fætures is intended to aid designers, writers, creatives, educators, strategists, creatives and students brainstorm and ideate worlds and entanglements in speculative scenarios.

Workshop 3

XRXF For Black Femmes
With Tyler Musgrave

April 1, 2:30-3:45pm
Webinar on Zoom

Register at the link below: https://bit.ly/XRXFForBlackFemmes

This workshop explores the intersection of academia and creative expression, drawing inspiration from an animation project rooted in an authored paper on the online harassment experiences of Black women and femmes. This interactive webinar explores the power of art-
based research as a tool for bridging the gap between scholarly investigations and creative exploration. Learn how to translate academic research into a creative inquiry while shedding light on crucial issues affecting the digital Black community.